Category: Smart Home

InfluxDB + Chronograf: Configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL

Home Assistant: Auto-renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL

If you are running Home Assistant and wish to increase its security by using a FREE trusted SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, then you are in luck! This post will walk you through the entire process. The process is quick and easy, assuming you already have a public domain via...

Home Assistant: Ultimate Backup Guide

Home Assistant: Ultimate Backup Guide

One the most important aspects of maintaining Home Assistant is regular backups. Implementing the 3-2-1 backup rule with Home Assistant is now easier than ever, with the 2023.6 release. The 3-2-1 rule states you should have (at least) 3 copies of your data (production + 2 backups), on two different...

Home Assistant: Frigate VM on Proxmox with PCIe Coral TPU

Home Assistant: Frigate VM on Proxmox with PCIe Coral TPU

A very popular NVR solution that integrates well with Home Assistant is Frigate. It provides fantastic object and person detection from your camera streams. The Frigate project is a Docker container, so it's easy to deploy. You can run Frigate within Home Assistant, but I prefer to run it in...

Home Assistant: Installing Grafana (LXC) with Let’s Encrypt SSL

Home Assistant: Installing Grafana (LXC) with Let’s Encrypt SSL

If you want visually appealing dashboards for your long term Home Assistant data stored in InfluxDB, look no further than Grafana. Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand metrics captured by Home Assistant (and MANY other platforms). You can create some really stunning dashboards. Sample Grafana Dashboard...

Home Assistant: InfluxDB Data Management (LXC)

Home Assistant: InfluxDB Data Management (LXC)

If you are a Home Assistant enthusiast and are interested in long term storage of sensor and other data, you will be using InfluxDB. InfluxDB is a time-series database, different from SQLite and MariaDB. Over time your InfluxDB database can grow and grow...becoming unwieldy and possibly slow. Fortunately there are...

Home Assistant: Installing InfluxDB (LXC)

Home Assistant: Installing InfluxDB (LXC)

By default Home Assistant will store approximately 10 days worth of entity data that allows you to do cool charts, graphs and dashboards. This is called recorder data. Recorder data is stored in a SQL (relational) database, which by default is SQLite. However, if you want long term storage of your...

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