Tag: certificates

Windows Server 2019 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 3

Windows Server 2019 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 3

Now that we have our offline Windows Server 2019 certificate authority configured in Part 1, and our online subordinate setup in Part 2, now we should setup auto-enrollment and secure the subordinate’s web certificate services with SSL.Auto-enrollment is where domain joined Windows computers are automatically issued a computer certificate. Services...

Windows Server 2019 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 2

Windows Server 2019 Two-Tier PKI CA Pt. 2

Now that our root Windows Server 2019 certificate authority is installed and published to Active Directory from Part 1, it is time to bring online our subordinate CA. The subordinate CA will be our online issuing CA, since it will be the CA which issues all certificates, be they for...

Using SSL on WordPress? Not All Hosting is the Same

Introduction I'm a huge fan of WordPress, and I've had this blog hosted on WordPress for many years. Given my security background, I always try and make my site as secure as possible, while not breaking functionality. One important feature, both for SEO and security is SSL. All you need...

VMworld 2015: Certificates for Mere Mortals

Session INF4529 Note: Although not mentioned in this session, I have a SSL toolkit for vSphere 6.0 which makes the replacement process easier. Check out my vSphere 6.0 install guide here for all the details. Certificate Lifecycle Management VMCA: VMware certificate authority VECS: VMware Endpoint Certificate store VMCA Dual Operational...

Ignite 2015: Encryption, Certificates and PKI

Session: BRK3130 Note: This was a great beginner level session for those not familiar with encryption, certificates or PKI. If you are in that boat, I would urge you to find the session video and watch the whole presentation. If you are a security professional and already know about these...

vSphere 6.0 Install Pt. 3: Certificate Management

Introduction As long as I can recall certificate management in vSphere has been difficult, and for many customers, something they completely ignore. I'm surprised how many customer designs (even those done by VCDXs) I've seen where they feel it's too difficult to deploy vSphere certificates so they accept the risk...

VMware vSphere 5.5 Toolkit v1.58 Live

VMware vSphere 5.5 Toolkit v1.58 Live

As many of you know, one of my passions throughout my IT career has been security. Having worked in the Federal Government space for most of my career, making sure solutions are secure is always a top priority. Securing your VMware infrastructure is very important, and one of the primary...

VMware vCenter Certificate Automation Tool 1.0 Released

Today VMware announced their first stab at helping customers manage the SSL certificate replacement challenge that we face with vSphere 5.1: VMware vCenter Certificate Automation Tool v1.0. For anyone that has followed my 15-part series on vSphere 5.1 installation, you will know the certificate portions are quite a challenge and a source of...