VMworld 2015: Certificates for Mere Mortals

Session INF4529

Note: Although not mentioned in this session, I have a SSL toolkit for vSphere 6.0 which makes the replacement process easier. Check out my vSphere 6.0 install guide here for all the details.

Certificate Lifecycle Management

  • VMCA: VMware certificate authority
  • VECS: VMware Endpoint Certificate store


  • Dual Operational modes: Root CA and Issuer CA
  • Root CA: Automated, can issue other certs, all solutions and endpoint certificates are created and trusted to this root cert
  • Issuer CA: Can replace all default root CA certificate created during installation. Basically subordinate CA to your enterprise CA.


  • Repository for certificates and private keys
  • Mandatory component
  • Key stores: machine SSL certs, trusted roots, CRLs, solution users, others (e.g. VVOLS).
  • Managed through veccs-CLI
  • Does not manage SSO certificates

vSphere 6.0 Certificate Types

  • ESXi certificates – autogenerated post-install. New modes in 6.0, one of which can use VMCA certs. Can renew in webclient.
  • Machine SSL certificates – Creates server-side SSL (HTTPS, LDAP, etc.). Each node has its own machine SSL certificate.
  • Solution User certificates – Machine, vpxd, vpxd-extension, vsphere-webclient. Encapsulates one or more vCenter services.
  • Single-sign-on: Not stored in VECS. Stored in filesystem. STS certificate. Renew/update via GUI, not filesystem replacement.

Certificate Replacement Options

  • VMCA as root. Easiest deployment option.
  • VMCA as Enterprise CA subordinate – VMCA will issue certs on behalf of your enterprise CA
  • Custom CA – Only use custom certs all around. Not recommended except for Gov’t/Financial.
  • Hybrid – User facing certs replace, then let VMCA manage solution user and ESXi certs.

VMware vSphere 6.0 Certificate Manager

  • Available on both Windows and VCSA
  • Menu driven (GUI in 6.0 U1)

VMCA as Subordinate

  • RSA with 2048 bits
  • x.509v3
  • SHA256, 384 or 512
  • No wildcards in SubjectAltName
  • Cannot create subsidiary CAs of VMCA
  • Sync time for all nodes

Session videos, slides and scripts: http://vmware.com/go/inf4529


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