Tag: Let's Encrypt

InfluxDB + Chronograf: Configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL

Home Assistant: Auto-renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL

If you are running Home Assistant and wish to increase its security by using a FREE trusted SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, then you are in luck! This post will walk you through the entire process. The process is quick and easy, assuming you already have a public domain via...

InfluxDB + Chronograf: Configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL

Proxmox Let’s Encrypt SSL: The Easy Button

If you are running Proxmox on your network and wish to increase its security by using a FREE trusted SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, then you are in luck! This post will walk you through the entire process. The process is quick and easy, assuming you already have a public...

InfluxDB + Chronograf: Configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL

InfluxDB + Chronograf: Configuring Let’s Encrypt SSL

If you value security and want to use InfluxDB 1.x and Chronograf with trusted SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt, this post is for you!  This tutorial assumes you are running InfluxDB 1.x and Chronograf either in a LXC container or a traditional VM. If you are using Docker, the procedure would...

Home Assistant: Installing Grafana (LXC) with Let’s Encrypt SSL

Home Assistant: Installing Grafana (LXC) with Let’s Encrypt SSL

If you want visually appealing dashboards for your long term Home Assistant data stored in InfluxDB, look no further than Grafana. Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand metrics captured by Home Assistant (and MANY other platforms). You can create some really stunning dashboards. Sample Grafana Dashboard...