Nakivo Version 8.1 is Now Available

​Nakivo just released version 8.1 of their Backup and Replication Suite. Nakivo supports VMware, Hyper-V, and AWS EC2. 

​What's new in this 'dot' release? 

  • Policy based Data Protection

NAKIVO Backup & Replication v8.1 revolutionizes the way companies manage their backup operations by introducing Policy-Based Data Protection. Set up policies for your data protection processes and have the corresponding VMs protected automatically. When you add VMs that match your specified criteria, NAKIVO Backup & Replication protects them automatically.

  • SSL Certificate Installation

The latest version of NAKIVO Backup & Replication lets you install an SSL certificate to allow for a secure “https” connection.

  • Universal Object Recovery

NAKIVO Backup & Replication v8.1 adds further versatility by introducing Universal Object Recovery. Whenever important application data gets deleted or modified, you can mount VM disks from a backup to your VM and use native application management tools to recover the data to your production database.

There are also other improvements around event search, cleanup, and API enhancements.


​Nakivo is a solid solution for backing up and replicating your VMware, Hyper-V, or AWS EC2 environment. It's a mature product, and this 'dot' release has some nice features.

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