VMware Posts new vCenter SSO KB Article

For those of you trying to install and maintain vSphere 5.1, you probably will run into some vCenter SSO issues at one point or another. One of the big problems with SSO not using the very friendly Microsoft ODBC connector, is post-install reconfiguration of database parameters. The JDBC database interface is, shall we say, far from user friendly and a source of frustration.

VMware has added a new KB article, among the dozens for the SSO service, to address more issues related to changing the database configuration. Specifically, the KB article tells you how to:

  • Modify the SQL server port
  • Move the SSO database to another server
  • Modify the RSA_USER password

You can check out the full KB article here. If you haven’t dabbled with vSphere 5.1 and want a weekend of entertainment, check out my 15-part install guide series here.

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