Tag: SaaS

Goodbye NextDNS, Hello Control D : My New DNS Service

Goodbye NextDNS, Hello Control D : My New DNS Service

This article discusses my recent migration from NextDNS, a popular ad and malware filtering DNS service, to Control D. Several years ago, I transitioned from Pi-hole, a local network-based ad and malware tracker, to NextDNS due to its enhanced functionality. However, NextDNS failed to keep pace with the industry. Its...

VMTurbo in the Cloud is here

The SaaS market is becoming very popular, and software that was once only on-prem is now migrating to the cloud. I'm excited to announce that with VMTurbo 5.2, it is now offered as SaaS deployment through AWS. This means you can now control your on-prem environment with VMTurbo in the cloud....