VMworld 2015: vSphere 6.1 Upgrade & Deployment Pt. 1

Session INF4944

Goal: Deliver and enhanced customer experience for deploying and upgrading vCenter environments.

vCenter server 6.0 platforms: Windows and VCSA support the same scale and performance

Enhanced Linked mode is brand new in 6.0 and supported on Windows or VCSA. Policies and tags are now supported in Linked Mode.

Deployment Models

  • PSC is no longer just SSO, but adds certificates and licensing
  • PSC supports data replication
  • Embedded deployment: PSC and vCenter running on single VM
  • External PSC: vCenter and PSCs on separate VMs
  • vCSA is the recommended deployment package

vCenter Server Install

  • Both Windows and VCSA have similar simplified installs.
  • Supports GUI or scripted installs
  • Simple

vCenter Best Practices

  • Sizing
  • Windows OS and DB compatibility
  • Use FQDN
  • vCSA install target will support vCenter and ESXi in 6.0 U1
  • Time sync is important
  • DNS forward and reverse lookups
  • If using VDS use ephemeral port group
  • Ensure routing works

vCenter Server Upgrade

  • Multi-stage process: SSO/PSC, vCenter, ESXi, VMs, VMFS/VDS
  • Order is important KB2109760
  • Don’t forget about plug-ins, add-ons, VMFS, VDS, etc.
  • Approach upgrades with a holistic view of your infrastructure
  • vCSA upgrade is migration based and required temporary IP
  • Windows vCenter upgrade is in-place

Upgrade Paths

  • Windows Server – From 5.0 on up is supported. Prior to 4.0 you need to upgrade to 5.x.
  • vCSA upgrade from 5.1 later only

Upgrade best Practices

  • Sizing – 6.0 is larger.
  • Windows OS and DB compatibility
  • VCSA Oracle DB deprecation (use embedded DB)
  • Backup DB and VM prior to upgrade
  • Stick to recommended topologies
  • Time sync is very important
  • DB password issues: don’t use dash, question mark, underscore, left paren, equal, exclamation

Repointing from embedded deployment to external PSC – In 6.0 U1

  • First upgrade to 6.0 U1
  • Then deploy external PSC and replicate with embedded PSC
  • Repoint VC to the external PSC

vCSA Management UI (U1)

  • https://vcsa IP/:5480

PSC Management UI (U1)

  • https://PSC IP/psc


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