Aspiring VCDX Study Guide Link-O-Rama

VCDX5-DCV With all of the recent newly minted VCDXs I thought I would start compiling a list of resources for those aspiring to become a VMware VCDX. This will be a living page, which hopefully will have links added as people make me aware of new content on the web.

There’s always a flurry of activity after defenses when newly minted VCDXs blog about their experiences. I was no exception to that rule, when I was minted VCDX #125. If you know of VCDX content that I don’t have links to here, please leave a comment to this post and I’ll add the links as I have time. Many of the pages below have additional links on them, so there’s a wealth of information here at your fingertips.

You can easily bookmark this permalink: (all lower case). The mentorship program is brand new, and a huge value add. Be sure to take advantage of it if you will be defending. If you are working your way towards a VCDX, you must get on Twitter. Great way to find people, get answers, learn about study groups, etc. Use the hashtag #VCDX.

The biggest piece of advice I can give to aspiring VCDXs is to join a study group in your area as soon as you decide to go for your VCDX. From brainstorming about your documentation taxonomy, to doing peer reviews, mock defenses, etc. this experience is invaluable. Don’t wait until the last minute before your defense to find a study group.


VCDX Boot Camp: Preparing for the VCDX Panel Defense
Storage Implementation in vSphere 5.0
Networking for VMware Administrators
vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deepdive
VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive
Mastering VMware vSphere 5.5 
VMware vSphere Design
Essential VSAN
Disaster Recovery using VMware vSphere Replication and SRM
VMware vSphere 5.x Datacenter Design Cookbook
Virtualizing SQL Server with VMware
VCAP5-DCD Official Cert Guide

Official Certification Home Pages

VCDX-Datacenter Virtualization
VCDX-Network Virtualization


VMware vSphere Design Workshop


7 VMware VCDX Prep Videos
Few dozen VMware Certification Pro Videos
How to become a VCDX
VCDX Program, John Arrasjid
VMworld 2013: Software Defined Storage the VCDX Way
YouTube Videos
Artur Krzywdzinski, VCDX #77: VCDX Video and Presentation Online

VCDX Journey Stories

Derek Seaman, VCDX #125: VCDX in 180 Days
Josh Coen, VCDX #129: My VCDX Journey
Joe Silvagi, VCDX #175 My VCDX Journey <<New
Rob Nolan, VCDX #178: My VCDX Journey <<New
Hersey Cartwright VCDX #128: VCDX CXXVIII (#128)
Harsha Hosur, VCDX #135: My VCDX Journey (and stumbles along the way)
Joe Clarke, VCDX #138: How the path to VCDX will change you 
Niran Even-Chen, VCDX #142: To VCDX with a fictitious design
James Charter, VCDX #106: A VCDX Journey
Josh Odgers, VCDX #83: My VCDX Journey
Ray Heffer, VCDX #122: Achievement Unlocked: The tale of Double VCDX Certifications
Craig Kilborn: VCDX Defense – A Reality
Brad Christian: Running a VCDX Study Group and some lessons learned
Chris Kranz, VCDX #47: VCDX Journey
Simon Long, VCDX #105: Double VCDX
Samir Roshan, VCDX #124: The Path Less Traveled: My VCDX Experience
Tom Fojta, VCDX #99: My Journey to VCDX-Cloud
Jason Nash, VCDX #49: My VCDX Defense..or how I flew to San Francisco to Choke
Jason Nash, VCDX #49: Double VCDX and the new VCDX-NV
Frank Denneman, VCDX #029: VCDX Number 029
Joep Piscaer, VCDX #101: VCDX 101
Hugo Phan, VCDX: My VCDX Journey
Chris Wahl, VCDX #104: Go Go Gadget VCDX
Chris Wahl, VCDX #104: Double VCDX – What does it all mean?
Gregg Robertson: Extra VCDX Experience Achievement Unlocked
Magnus Andersson, VCDX #56: VCDX
Sunny Dua: Part 1 : VCDX – The Saga Of The Lost Title : The Design 
Andrew Brydon, VCDX #139: VCDX Presentation
Safouh Kharrat, VCDX #136: My VCDX Journey

VCDX Study Content

Derek Seaman, VCDX #125: VCDX-DCV Architecture Guide Outline
Joe Silvagi, VCDX #175, So you want to be a VCDX? Complete series
Rene Van Den Bedem, VCDX #133:  VCDX Prep Series (must read)
Josh Odgers, VCDX #83: Architecture Decisions
Michael Webster, VCDX #66: VCDX Application built on a foundation of beta software not good strategy for success 
Michael Webster, VCDX #66: VCDX Candidate Tips from Down Under Part 1
Michael Webster, VCDX #66: My Recommendations for VCDX Candidates
Paul Meehan, VCDX Constraint: LBT
Duncan Epping, VCDX #007: VCDX Tips from VCDX001 John Arrasjid
PlanetVM: VCDX Advice from VCDX001
Chris Colotti, VCDX #37: VCDX Defense Tips
Chris Wahl, VCDX #104: Using Sphere Elimination for Troubleshooting
Frank Denneman, VCDX #029: VCDX Tip: The Application Form
Duncan Epping, VCDX #007: 5 Tips for preparing for your VCDX Defense
Duncan Epping, VCDX #007: Cloud Infrastructure Case Study (Excellent)
Craig Kilborn: VCDX Paying it Forward
Tim Antonowicz, VCDX#112: VCDX Preparation Q&A
Matt Vandenbeld VCDX#107: VCDX Presentation Advice
VMware Cloud Architecture ToolKit (vCAT)
VCDX vBrownBag series
Gregg Robertson: VCDX Prep Round 2 (massive list of links)
Rectify your VCDX Design Issues in Defense Presentation
Handling sub-optimal design decisions before the VCDX Defense
Incorporating Business Requirements into your VCDX Presentation
Artur Krzywdzinski, VCDX #77:  Most Common Errors in VCDX Applications
Sunny Dua, VCDX – The Design and Defense Preparation
Frank Buechsel, Three Troubleshooting Scenarios

Other Resources

VCDX By the Numbers
vBrownBag EMEA VCDX Prep Special
vBrownBag Brian Suhr VCDX Journey
VCDX Spotlight Series
VMware VCDX Community
Google+ VCAP/VCDX Forum
Common VMware Certification Questions Answered
VCDX Timer
Meet the VMware Certified Design Experts (Official Directory)
What is the value of a VCDX to the VMware Ecosystem Partner?
FAQ for Unsuccessful VCDX Candidates
It takes a village to achieve VCDX Certification
Applying VCDX Principles for a better VMware Architecture and Operations
How Long does it take to become a VCDX?
VMware Certification Links
2014 VCDX Defense Schedule
How to Plan a VMware VCDX Mock Defense Panel
Infrastructure Architect and VCDX Enablement
Presenting the VCDX Value to your boss (Chris Colotti)  <<New

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