Passed the VMware VCAP5-DCD Exam Today!

vcap5-dcd I’m pleased to announce that today I passed the VMware Certificated Advanced Professional – Datacenter Design (VCAP5-DCD) exam! I wish I could write a long post with all kinds of good reference material and links to study guides. But I can’t….why? Given my recent schedule I decided to take a different approach to this exam. I pretty much took it unprepared, except for a few minutes research on exam taking tips. In fact I had the new VMware VAP5-DCD study guide on pre-order, but I’ll now have to cancel that order with Amazon. Oh darn!

I used up every minute of the exam, and when I saw the Congratulations screen my mouth hit the table. But needless to say it was a great way to end the week before going to VMworld in San Francisco.

Is VCDX in my future? I’m still undecided whether I will pursue that path or not.

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August 23, 2013 3:16 pm

Congrats!!!! now to celebrate at VMworld 2013 on SFO.

August 24, 2013 12:05 am


August 25, 2013 5:23 pm

Well done congrats!