Add Snag-It 10.0 Styles back to Snag-It 11.0

Snag-It is one of those tools that all IT people need, as it’s an indispensable tool for grabbing screen shots, adding call outs, and cropping images. It is well worth the few dollars it costs for a license.

Earlier this year Snag-It 11.0 was released, with some nice new features, but I was very disappointed to find that they had replaced many of the quick styles (such as pointer arrows) and frankly I didn’t like the new ones. Plus, when editing existing documentation and replacing screen shots, the arrow styles didn’t match which made the document look unprofessional. I wasn’t the only one complaining about the replaced styles, so the company created a download that adds the 10.x styles into 11.x. You can download the “patch” here.

Now you don’t have to worry about upgrading to Snag-It 11, if you prefer the 10.x quick styles or are editing documentation created with prior versions.

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