TechEd 2012 Day 1 Keynote

Today is the first full day of TechEd 2012 in Orlando, and as usual it started off with a keynote session. Nothing earth shattering was announced. It was presented by Sayta Nadella, VP Server and tools business, Microsoft.

  • Cloud OS – the new era
  • 20 years of TechED – 1993 – 2012
  • 1993 – Era of client-server and the Intel Pentium, 32-bit OS and Windows NT
  • 2012 – Era of devices and services. “Connected devices” and “continuous services”
  • Windows NT – 32-bit, we are now at the Cloud OS era
  • Cloud OS = Modern datacenter (hardware abstraction) + modern apps
  • Converged systems
    • Compute – Multi-core, memory density, system density
    • Storage – SSD, lower cost, higher performance. Spinning disk speeds are not increasing. IOPS/$ are dramatically increasing.
    • Networking – high-speed, offload technologies
  • Cannot have control with management by fragmentation of converged systems. Need a unified management suite like System Center.
  • Services at internet scale – Run’s the world’s biggest apps, feedback loop, global scale, 24×7, ultra-modularity
    • Examples: Xbox live, Bing, Exchange, SharePoint. MS has 200+ global workloads
    • Bing has 300PB of data
    • All Bing front ends are now running Windows Server 2012 RC in production
  • Inside the modern datacenter
    • Scalable & Elastic – 64 nodes & 4000 VMs per cluster, 64 vCPUs, 1TB RAM per VM, NIC teaming. 99% of the world’s tier-1 SQL loads can now run on Hyper-V
    • Always up, always on – Continuous availability. Highly available, file based storage, cluster aware updating, complete VM mobility
    • Shared resources- Multi-tenancy. Hyper-V network isloation, resource metering and QoS, storage virtualziation and thin provisioning
    • Automated & self-service – Can’t linearly scale with infrastructure. PowerShell – 2400 cmdlets, built-in standards based managemen
  • Jeff Woosley Windows Server 2012 & System Center 2012 demo
    • Virtualize workloads that were previously not virtualizable
    • 320 logical processors, 4TB RAM per server, 1TB RAM per VM
    • 64TB per virtual disk (32x VMware)
    • Hyper-V I/O performance demo
      • 256GB RAM, 80 logical processors, 5 HBAs, 40 SSDs
      • 985,000 IOPS from a single VM (3x more than VMware claims)
    • Active/Active file servers. Dynamically add/remove nodes without downtime
    • ODX is Microsoft’s version of VMware VAAI, for storage offload in the SAN
      • Copy a 10GB file in 10 seconds
    • Multi-tenancy secure network sharing and virtual extensible switch with built-in NIC teaming
    • Cisco Nexus 1000v for Hyper-V demoed
    • 2400 powershell cmdlets in server 2012 for automation
    • Hyper-V replica replicates virtual machines to a remote site, like Vmware SRM
    • Demoed Orchestrator power-up a site with VMs in the proper order
    • SPF – System Center Provider Foundation – Able to manage provider capacity all within the same pane of   glass
  • Windows Azure – by Mark Russinovich
    • Ecosystem – Identity, Virtualization, management, development; Windows Azure, Service Providers, Your Datacenter
    • Windows Azure – Infrastructure as a service, VM portability into Azure or service provider and back with no lock-in
      • Windows Azure
      • Quick create VM – common options
      • Supports Linux like SUSE Linux, Ubuntu Server, OpenSUSE
      • “No we haven’t been hacked; Azure really does support Linux as a guest OS.”
    • Mike Boyle – CIO AFLAC
      • Windows Azure – Agility, Flexibility, Performance
      • is running on Azure
    • Spring/Fall release cadence of Azure enhancements
    • 99.95% monthly SLA
  • Inside the modern App
    • Personalized, social, intelligent
    • Able to link Team Foundation Server to Azure and deploy apps directly into the cloud

  • System Center 2012 now supports Global Service Monitoring (GSM) for Azure datacenters
  • Modern access and device management – People-centric, apps and data, control and governance
  • Windows Intune – New released announced
    • Integrated with AD and Azure

  • Data-powered apps
    • Any data, any size, anywhere
    • Connecting the world’s data
    • Immersive insights, wherever you are
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