PRC04: Microsoft Configuration Manager 2012 Part 2

This is the second article covering the content presented in the TechEd 2012 Configuration Manager 2012 pre-conference session, PRC04. You can check out part one here and part three here.

  • Migrating from ConfigMgr 2007
    • Do not do a ‘big bang’ migration and there’s no reason to do so. Both environments (2007 and 2012) can co-exist.
    • No in-place upgrades are possible. Must stand up parallel environments, with different site codes (very important).
    • Migration overview
      • Specify a CM 2007 source hierarchy
      • Enable Distribution point sharing
      • Create migration objects
      • Deploy migrated objects to CM 2012 clients
      • Upgrade and reassign clients to CM 2012 sites. CM 2012 clients can use CM 2007 distribution points
      • In-place upgrade DP and secondary sites
      • Decommission CM 2007 infrastructure
    • Validate why a collection exists and if you still need it in CM 2012
    • Migration jobs should not include all details. Start with a few test cases.
    • Packages are migrated as packages (not application model) and package conversion manager will convert them to an application model. Not all packages can or should be converted.
    • Package conversion manager is a separate (free) add-on to manage the conversion of packages to applications
    • Packages with hard coded paths (e.g. d:packages) or UNC paths with server names will fail
    • Coretech Package Source Changer can bulk change the paths for packages
    • Migrating secondary site – Consolidate to a distribution point, not a secondary site, in most cases
    • Only need to convert packages to application model if you want to utilize new features. If it’s a script, for example, it can stay in the package model. But lots of good reasons to migrate software, so users can do their own immediate software installations.
    • Not recommended to migrate software updates. New features/options, so rebuild from scratch.
  • Window 7 OS Deployment
    • DP on client (Win7) vice server OS: Max 20 NetBIOS sessions, no BITS support, no PXE support, no multi-cast
    • Multicast – Reduce network load, doesn’t really increase deployment speed. 90-95% load with unicast, and down to 10-15% with multicast. Stick with unicast unless you really know what you are doing.
    • Multicast support requires making friends with the network team, and proper network configuration. Separate VLANs (WiFi access points, clients, IP phones). If improperly configured it can bring down your whole network.
    • CM2012 supports offline servicing of the OS image, so you can inject software updates without having to recapture an image.
    • WAIK 2.0 is still used in CM 2012. CM uses these tools in the background.
    • CM 2012 uses WDS (Windows Deployment Services)
    • Install WDS first, before CM is installed
    • MDT (Microsoft Deployment Toolkit) 2012 – Gives you 100+ OSD enhancements on top of CM.
      • Enables dynamic deployments (e.g. inject software apps into installation)
      • Configure regional language settings
    • New OSD 2012 features
      • Offline servicing of OS images
      • Boot media updates
        • Hierarchy wide boot media
        • Unattended boot media mode – No more hacks
      • New AppModel support
      • User device affinity and OS deployment
      • Content prestaging and remote distribution
      • PXE now on DP – Removed limit of 75 PXE service points per site
    • Must import drivers into CM and drivers are now validated
    • Best to create driver packages and assign packages via WMI query vice relying on auto-assign. Allows you to certify models with drivers
  • Application Targeting
    • Easily target applications to users, regardless of device
    • Set primary user of a device to target apps
    • User-device affinity
    • User can configure business hours in the CM client so software can be installed outside of these hours.
    • Administrator can add their own properties and end user metadata.
    • Deployment type is the workhorse for applications. Includes: requirement rules, dependencies, detection method, install method, content.
    • Always include quality metadata into the applications so you can easily search, find, and view software available to users.
    • If you use MS Service Manager, use SM’s software catalog instead as it has workflow.
    • Use a free Icon extracter tool to set icons for all applications. Very important!
    • Label deployment type appropriate (App-V, MSI, etc.) so you can easily tell what it is using
    • Create an un-install application when you create an install application.
    • Free tool: WMI Code Creator.
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