New Microsoft Security Guides for Windows 7 and IE8!

Earlier this year I was honored to be asked by Microsoft to join a private alpha of their security accelerators for Windows 7, IE8, and Server 2008 R2. I provided a lot of feedback to the guides, and as a result several tweaks and changes were made. As a result I made it into the contributors and reviews on page 6 of the Windows 7 and IE 8 security guides. Not sure why Server 2008 R2 isn’t up yet, but I’d expect it soon.

At my previous job at PointBridge I was asked to provide feedback to the Windows Server 2008 security guide, so my name found its way into that guide as well. Microsoft really does listen to feedback, and takes comments seriously. Hopefully I can participate in future security guides.

You can download the brand new Windows 7 and IE 8 compliance management toolkits from here. If you are affiliated with the DoD, these security guides received input from DISA, NIST and NSA. I don’t know when official FDCC documents will be published, but I’m in contact with the lead program manager on that effort and will post any ETAs as I find them out.

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